Text Lead-Ins | Demo Site | University of Miami

Further Insights

Test Lead In with Image

The standard text lead-in element allows you to attach an image and align the image left or right. You can also provide caption information for the image and a link. The suggested image size is 480px x 320px.

Richard D. Fain
Chair, Board of Trustees

Further Insights

Text Lead In with Image Aligned Left

The standard text lead-in element allows you to attach an image and align the image left or right. You can also provide caption information for the image and a link. The suggested image size is 480px x 320px.

Richard D. Fain, Chair

More Details

Text Lead-In with Button Controls

 The Text Lead-In with Buttons element allows you to add a series of Call-to-Action buttons opposite your lead in text.

 Each button can have a different background color and will link internally or externally.


Text Lead-In with Pull-Quote Visual Element

The Text Lead-In with Pullquote element will allow you to add a magazine-style quote to your text element. This can highlight a particular passage in a larger block of text or complement it's lead-in paragraph with a similar theme or purpose.
No country, no company, no university by itself can meet all the challenges that it is expected to without taking into account what happens in the rest of the world. We need to educate young people who truly are global citizens.